My every post is on Home Based Business from which you can earn extra income online.Home Based Business or Part-time job is not only means Data Entry,Paid to Read e-mail,Paid Survey,Pay-Per-Click ,Affiliate Marketing etc.etc. programs.There are other ways are also available from which you can earn extra money working at home.
Today I will introduce you to one another money earning way which may not fully fit to your views about Home based business.I agree Stock Market or Share Trading is not conventional way to earn money as home based business but it is also true that now a days you can earn money online at home by Share Trading.This is possible if you have a PC with Internet connection.Same thing is required to run conventional Home Based Business.Is it not?
So now you have one more opportunity to earn extra income.See below the requirements for this opportunity.
01) A PC with Internet Connection.
02) Demat Account.
03) Trading Account.
04) Saving Bank Account.
05) Extra Funds to Invest.
06) Knowledge about Investments.
Demat Account,Trading Account & Knowledge about Investment, you will get at free of cost.If you find something interesting read further to find out How you can earn extra income from Stock Market?
01) Start Early:-
When you are thinking to earn money from Stock Market,you have to start invest funds as early as possible.Today many opportunities are available for Education but,same time expenses on education is increasing, to cope the situation start investment when your child is younger.
You will get enough time to see how your investment's value is increasing or decreasing so you can take decision whether to invest more or divert for other options.This will also give you the vision to plan about retirement age.The expenses to maintain life style is increasing day by day but income from conventional sources are not increasing so rapidly.So it will be better to start at early age.
02) Invest Steadily:-
Investment must be your regular behaviour.I don't mean the "Investment" means a very huge amount,which you can use to purchase Shares.
You can invest a very small amount as like $ 25 to $ 50 every month.Various Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) are available in market You can use it for your steady investment in shares.Because of SIP you don't feel the burden of Investment & it becomes your habit.
In early days we save money at Bank,Fix Deposit etc. now SIP is modern type of saving option available which I feel is better than Recurring Deposit,Monthly Interest plan etc.
03) Long Term Investment:-
I am not here to give you any Magic Lamp,so you can earn money from that in a day.Earning maximum money from Stock Market is not short term business.Whenever you think to invest funds in Stock Market, invest it for Long Term.A Long Term usually mean 4 to 5 years of span.You might thought some Intra day trading tips or "Get Rich Scheme" are available to us,sorry for that.
If I write about Indian Stock Market "In last 35 years of history of Stock Market,no one had lost money,who has invested funds steadily for five years"
Think over it!
When you invest money in Life Insurance for 15 to 20 years,in Fix Deposit for 7 to 8 years etc.then why you don't invest money in Prominent Shares for 4 to 5 years? you will definitely earn more income comparing to conventional Investment plans.Why every time you expect much more from Share Market in short period ?this is not game of betting.
If you have extra funds to invest then think to invest for long term or invest through SIP (if you have no extra funds).Most importantly start investing at early age .This is the best way of wealth creation.Take help of Financial Planer if required.Many sites are available on net from which you can increase your knowledge of Stock Market.
Wish you all the best.
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